Last Modified: July 15, 2023

This page lists some goals I am working on or have completed. I have kept many to-do lists, including the original, which started as a private Facebook note in high school. Since then, my list has transformed between various digital and paper mediums into the current format you see today. Keeping these items in public is a nice way to share while holding myself semi-accountable.

Current focus

  1. Write one blog a month between July - Dec in 2023
  2. Read two books in 2023

The idea behind having a current focus section is to disregard everything else on this page. It is too easy to become stretched too thin or overwhelmed trying to manage everything. My goal is to limit this area to less than five.

Last 5 Completed

  • Learn React (Feb 2023)
  • Learn Javascript (Nov 2022)
  • Visit Hawaii (Sept 2021)
  • Got married (Sept 2021)
  • Run a marathon (July 29, 2018)



  • Setup a masterless puppet environment at work (June 1, 2015)
  • Learn Java (May 14, 2015)
  • Learn Python (March 12, 2015)
  • Learn Javascript (Nov 2022)
  • Learn React (Feb 2023)
  • Learn TypeScript
  • Learn Swift
  • Learn Go
  • Create an iOS app


  • Visit Hawaii (Sept 2021)
  • Visit Washington DC
  • Visit Paris, France
  • Visit Niagara Falls, New York
  • Visit Rome, Italy


  • Write for 10-minutes daily for a year

Book list

  • Read Time Managements for System Administrators (May 10, 2014)
  • Engineering Management for the Rest of us
  • The Power of Habit
  • Automate your Busywork
  • Pragmatic Programmer
  • Kanban in action
  • The Phoenix Project
  • The Art of Mac Malware
  • Measure What Matters: OKRs

Life Events

  • Graduate from college w/ Associates Degree (May 9, 2013)
  • Graduate from college w/ Bachelors Degree (Dec 17, 2016)
  • Got married (Sept 2021)

The idea behind this page came from Thomas Frank over at, you can find his list here. There is also the original impossible list by Joel Runyol.